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Neighbour Dispute Resolution


What is Neighbour Dispute Resolution?

Neighbour dispute resolution is a way of helping people talk through their problems using mediation, and is conducted in a safe sensitive and confidential manner. Whilst most of our work involves disputes between neighbours, we can also help resolve issues within the wider community. Solutions acceptable to everyone can be reached without the anxiety and expense of legal intervention.

If you are having a problem with your neighbour you can contact us direct, or a community or legal agency may refer your case to us. With your permission we will arrange for two trained mediators to visit your home to listen to your problems. A similar visit to your neighbours would be arranged.

How does it work?

If you are both willing, a mediation session with both parties together will take place in a venue arranged by the mediation service.

During the session both sides have a chance to talk without being interrupted. The mediators will ensure that any anger is safely contained. Often by the end of the session an agreement is reached which both sides are willing to accept; otherwise a further session can be arranged.

The agreement may be written down and signed but it is not legally binding. Further help is available if it is needed.

  • Confidential and Independent

  • We don’t take sides

  • You are in control

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Would you like to volunteer?

All our mediators are volunteers and their hours of work are flexible. They need to travel within the Torridge and North Devon areas and expenses are paid.

Our Co-ordinator arranges the allocation of cases. Volunteers should normally be available to respond to messages from the Co-ordinator within one working day. There are regular case-work meetings.

Our volunteer mediators work in pairs, visiting clients in their homes in order to gain an understanding of the issues involved. They work with both parties in a dispute to promote effective communication - often at times of high conflict. They manage meetings at which both parties come together. They deal with allied administrative tasks.

If you think you could take on this challenge and fit in to out friendly team please contact us using the details below.

Our Co-ordinator will then send you the job description and person specification that sets out our expectation in terms of personal qualities, skills, experience and availability.

Contact us.

Telephone: 0800 038 5301

Northern Devon Community Mediation is an activity of Dartington North Devon Charitable Trust.

Registered Charity Number 1142258.